Karen Laubengayer
Year: 2004
Faculty Advisor: Georg Jander

After taking a year off to work at Monsanto, Karen will be returning to Heidelberg College (OH) after her summer in the Jander lab. Under the guidance of post-doc Vijay Joshi, Karen researched the presence of threonine aldolase as expressed on chromosome 3 of Arabidopsis. This summer, Karen’s presentation at the Summer Student Symposium earned her first prize and the Colonel’s Cup for the lab!

The results from my summer project are included in this publication:

Joshi, V., K. M. Laubengayer, N. Schauer, A. R. Fernie, G. Jander. 2006. Two Arabidopsis threonine aldolases are nonredundant and compete with threonine deaminase for a common substrate pool. Plant Cell 18: 3564-3575

Karen enjoys playing beach volleyball and power boating, and really liked the ice cream socials at BTI!