Tatiana Toro Ramos
Year: 2005
Faculty Advisor: Georg Jander

Tatiana is a student at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus. She worked in the Jander lab under the guidance of post-doc Minsang Lee looking for an SMM molecule that could transport between leaves and seeds. For this project, Tatiana learned HPLC, PCR, and how to graft Arabidopsis plants.

The results from my summer project are included in this publication:

Lee, M.S., Huang, T.F., Toro-Ramos, T., Fraga, M., Last, R.L. and Jander, G. 2008. Reduced activity of Arabidopsis thaliana HMT2, a methionine biosynthetic enzyme, increases seed methionine content. Plant Journal 54: 310-320